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Francesca Rivolta

My name is Francesca Rivolta, I’m a professional translator and copywriter in the following languages: Italian, French, English and German.

You can count on me if you need to translate, proofread or write any text in the aforementioned languages. I assure you the highest level of ability in meeting the deadlines and precision in my work.

About me

My name is Francesca Rivolta, I was born in  Bolzano (South Tyrol), and moved to Israel in May 2013.

I started writing short stories at 14, arriving in the finals in many literary contests for young people in Italy, between 1996 and 1999. I published my first collection of short stories at the “Tracce” publishing house in Pescara (Italy), with the title “Racconti dettati dal cuore “(“Short stories from my heart”).

I published my first novel “L’amore al tempo di Putin” (“Love at the time of Putin’s”) in 2012, with the “Tracce” publishing house in Pescara (Italy); this novel deserved the second place in a national literary contest, organized by the “Tracce” publishing house.

I published my second novel in 2021, called “La mia Terra Promessa” (“My Promised Land”) in December 2021, with the “Leonida” publishing house in Reggio Calabria (Italy). This book won many national and international awards in Italy even if it was still unpublished: it was published thanks to the fact it was awarded the 3rd place in a national literary contest organized by the “Leonida” publishing house.

My Writing Works

Here’s my blog, with a few samples of my works as a copywriter…and my literary compositions. If you’re curious about my writing skills, have a look here!


Germania La Germania è un paese molto amico degli animali, tanto che potete trovare ciotole con crocchette e acqua … anche fuori dai servizi degli autogrill! I cani sono ben accetti perfino nei castelli, come ad esempio quelli della Baviera meridionale e anche nei musei. Solo che è ammesso un

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Alto Adige

Le vacanze col cane in Alto Adige è la meta giusta per chi viaggia col proprio cane, anche se di grossa taglia, in quanto nemmeno lui si annoierà, quando non è con voi.- Se volete programmare un’escursione alle cascate di Riva di Tures, oppure un’emozionante discesa in rafting, oppure visitare

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Austria Le vacanze col cane in Austria normalmente non creano molti problemi, in quanto molti alberghi e campeggi, sia in montagna che in città, accettano i cani senza troppi problemi, anche di taglia grande. Molti albergatori e gestori di campeggi hanno anch’essi animali e quindi sono molto ben informati sul

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Italia Negli ultimi anni è stato fatto molto per rendere le vacanze col cane in Italia un po’ più facili, in quanto molte famiglie italiane hanno un cane e un gatto. Inoltre, la possibilità di portare con sé il proprio animale domestico riduce il fenomeno dell’abbandono.La regione meglio attrezzata per

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“Marguerite Yourcenar”…

Qui saranno pubblicate le mie poesie “Risurrezione” e “Tristezza”, nell’antologia ‘Marguerite Yourcenar”, edita da Montedit /Here, in the “Marguerite Yourcenar” anthology, published by “Montedit” my poems “Resurrection” and “Sadness” will appear

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Curious about my works or my writing skills? Simply have a look at my blog.

My Books

Here you can have a look about my creations: two of my poems were published in the “Sommi Pontefici” book, another poem of mine was published in the “Poets in love” anthology and another one in the “Citta’ di Monza” anthology.

Last, but absolutely not least, there’s my novel, “My Promised Land”, as well.

You can also find the links where it’s possible to buy all these books.


My Books

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